Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NC Bike Law

If anyone has stopped by Boone Bike and Touring and checked out the little classified/info table in the corner, you might have seen a postcard with spiffy graphics on it called NCBikeLaw. I'm posting a link to that site, which is an amazing resource about the laws and rights that pertain to cyclist in North Carolina, though you need to check up on local laws (Boone's Helmet Law) to make sure you don't collect tickets.

You can get a free water bottle to contain all of your thirsty needs from the NCBL website as well. Free bottles and free advice! On that note, if anyone was curious about the helmet law on campus, here is what we at BBI learned from the ASU Police: There is a law that states students must wear a helmet on campus or they might be fined, yet that rule only applies to STUDENTS and as such, the campus police do not enforce. They feel it isn't fair that faculty and staff are exempt. For your information...


1 comment:

Wry Prolix said...

I have noticed cyclists being stopped on campus recently. I'm not sure if it is for not wearing a helmet (each time it looked like the cyclists had helmets on), but I can't say for sure what else it would be for... riding on the sidewalk, riding on the wrong side of the road???